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24-25 Football 8-man
24-25 Boys Volleyball
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Athletics Archive
23-24 Athletics
23-24 B Football 8-man
23-24 Girls Volleyball
23-24 JV Volleyball
23-24 Boys Volleyball
23-24 Cross Country
23-24 Soccer
23-24 Boys Basketball
23-24 Girls Basketball
23-24 Tennis
23-24 Track & Field
23-24 Baseball
23-24 Softball
22-23 Athletics
22-23 Football 8-man
22-23 Girls Volleyball
22-23 JV Volleyball
22-23 Boys Volleyball
22-23 Cross Country
22-23 Soccer
22-23 Boys Basketball
22-23 Girls Basketball
22-23 Baseball
22-23 Softball
22-23 Tennis
22-23 Track & Field
21-22 Athletics
21-22 Football 8-man
21-22 Girls Volleyball
21-22 Boys Volleyball
21-22 Cross Country
21-22 Soccer
21-22 Boys Basketball
21-22 Girls Basketball
21-22 Baseball
21-22 Softball
21-22 Track & Field
21-22 Tennis
21-22 Cheerleading
20-21 Athletics
19-20 Athletics
18-19 Athletics
17-18 Athletics
16-17 Athletics
15-16 Athletics
14-15 Athletics
Homeschool Organization Withdrawal Form
The purpose of this form is for official documentation of the withdrawal of a student-athlete from a homeschool organization. The date this form is received by the ACEL shall be the official date of withdrawal used to calculate the eligibility date of the student-athlete at the receiving ACEL Member Organization.
This form shall be completed by a
or legal guardian of the student athlete.
Be advised that no athletic participation whatsoever is allowed with the sending ACEL Homeschool Organization after a withdrawal form for that organization is submitted.
Student Information
Indicates required field
Name of Student-Athlete
Age of Student-Athlete
Grade Level of Student-Athlete
Parent Information
Name of Person Submitting This Form
Relation to Student-Athlete
Legal Guardian
Transfer Information
Name of the Homeschool Organization from which your student-athlete is withdrawing.
What sport(s) did the student-athlete participate in with the Homeschool Organization?
In what academic year(s) was the athletic participation?
To which ACEL Organization do you wish to transfer?
What date do you intend to enroll at the this organization?
What sport(s) do you intend to participate in at this Organization?